Fontini Consulting Limited RC: 1078436
Fontini Consulting LtdFontini Consulting LtdFontini Consulting Ltd
Bagusa Dei Dei FCT, Abuja
Fontini Consulting LtdFontini Consulting LtdFontini Consulting Ltd


Tax Identification Number (TIN) : 18841631 

Venue: Lap New World Hotel Jabi Abuja & Online Zoom

Date: March 20-23  ; July 17-20 &  Nov 6-9   Fee: N245,500  Bank Details: Fontini Consulting Limited (ZENITH BANK PLC) Account Number 1013360718 ;Fund Transfer Sort Code 057151083 Discount Policy 3-5 Delegates 5% 6-10 Delegates 10%  Above 10 Delegates  20%


Why Attend:

Workplace safety is a legal obligation for all organizations. The occupational Health and safety act of of 1970 led to further safety requirements in different industries. OSHA is a federal agency that oversees employee safety on a federal level, but there may be tighter state legislation. It is essential every company understand safety legislation along with roles and responsibilities the legislation requires.

This 3-day course will expose participants too understanding these legislations which will help them to create and implement an effective workplace safety plan.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this course, participants should be able to:

 Know the basic legislation that protects employee safety

 Outline some of the roles and duties in workplace safety.

 Explore what safety plan needs.

 Develop Health and safety policy for management approval

 Develop site hazard assessment, analysis and control

 Know how to protect employees who report violations from retaliation

 Know how to protect employees from hazards using various safety methods

 Know how to keep various safety records to meet regulatory requirements,

 Know how to go about accident investigation and reporting.

 Develop a framework for emergency preparedness and rescue operations

For Whom.

This course is designed for those in the oil, engineering, manufacturing and construction, Ministry and parastatal safety officers who see functions include safety. CEO and Managing Directors of companies who wants to be knowledgeable about safety plan.

Fontini Consulting Ltd