Fontini Consulting Limited RC: 1078436
Fontini Consulting LtdFontini Consulting LtdFontini Consulting Ltd
Bagusa Dei Dei FCT, Abuja
Fontini Consulting LtdFontini Consulting LtdFontini Consulting Ltd


Tax Identification Number (TIN) : 18841631 

Venue: Abuja: Lap New World Hotel Jabi Abuja

Date: Mar 28-31; May 23-26  ; July 25-28; Sept 26-29 & Dec 4-7   Fee: N300,000

Bank Details: Fontini Consulting Limited (ZENITH BANK PLC) Account Number 1013360718 ;Fund Transfer Sort Code 057151083 Discount Policy 3-5 Delegates 5% 6-10 Delegates 10%  Above 10 Delegates  20%

Available as Classroom as well as Online Training 

(Available also for Customised Training by Duration, Venue & Fee)




PUBLIC-PRIVATE- PARTNERSHIP & CONCESSIONING WORKSHOP-Venue: Abuja: Lap New World Hotel Jabi Abuja Date: Mar 28-31; May 23-26  ; July 25-28; Sept 26-29 & Dec 4-7   Fee: N300,000


  1. Dynamics of PPP in global economic development.
  2. The roles of private equity companies.
  3. PPP principles and constrains.
  4. What makes PPP’s go right and wrong.
  5. Risk factors in PPP transactions
  6. Regulatory issues in PPP transactions.
  7. WHO SHOULD ATTENDProject Managers,Directors,Senior Executives, and Managers from Public Sector organizations, Institutions providing large-scale project financing, and private companies working on / considering PPP projects.


Fontini Consulting Ltd