Fontini Consulting Limited RC: 1078436
Fontini Consulting LtdFontini Consulting LtdFontini Consulting Ltd
Bagusa Dei Dei FCT, Abuja
Fontini Consulting LtdFontini Consulting LtdFontini Consulting Ltd


Tax Identification Number (TIN) : 18841631 

Venue: Lap New World Hotel Jabi Abuja

Date: Feb 20-23  ; April 24-27  &  Aug 21-24 & Nov 27-30   Fee: N255,000  Bank Details: Fontini Consulting Limited (ZENITH BANK PLC) Account Number 1013360718 ;Fund Transfer Sort Code 057151083 Discount Policy 3-5 Delegates 5% 6-10 Delegates 10%  Above 10 Delegates  20%

Available as Classroom as well as Online Training 

(Available also for Customised Training by Duration, Venue & Fee)




Why Attend:

Strategies, Risks, Negotiation and Leadership are the essential skills for those who are dedicated to maximizing their performance and value-added contribution (and that of the people who work for them). As the business environment becomes ever more uncertain and turbulent, the requirement for professional leadership and management throughout organizations is at a premium. Hence, these four elements of this Fontini training course provide a structured and coherent framework for addressing the challenges for which professionals face in respect of both their day-to-day and longer-term responsibilities.

This training course will feature:

  • Identifying effective and proven strategies
  • Appraising and Managing Risks
  • Practical Win-Win Negotiating Strategies
  • Improve Strategic Management Skills
  • Getting the most out of the people who work for you

By the end of this training course, participants will be able to:

  • Develop an appreciation and understanding of each of the elements of the course.
  • Understand how the elements interact to create a systemic approach to mastering the essential tasks of any leader in business today.
  • Develop the skills and applications needed to master each individual element
  • Utilize the four elements in achieving individual, team and high organizational results
  • Identify priorities for continued professional development

Who is this Training Course for?

This training course will benefit professionals who desire to learn practical high-level leadership and management techniques to maximize their effectiveness and contribution at work. The training course will give them the understanding and skills to approach strategic and everyday challenges and problems with the awareness, confidence and self-assurance needed to act and achieve positive results.

Partial Course Content

  • Introduction to strategy – background, historical developments, major theories
  • Strategic Management – a practical approach for every leader
  • A consistent methodology for strategy development
  • The relationships between vision, mission and strategy
  • The steps involved in developing a strategy
  • The meaning and nature of risk
  • Identifying the risks in each strategy
  • Prioritizing risks
  • Contingency planning
  • Risk mitigation strategies
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