Fontini Consulting Limited RC: 1078436
Fontini Consulting LtdFontini Consulting LtdFontini Consulting Ltd
Bagusa Dei Dei FCT, Abuja
Fontini Consulting LtdFontini Consulting LtdFontini Consulting Ltd


Tax Identification Number (TIN) : 18841631 

Venue: Portharcourt River State

Date: Apr 4-7 ; July 18-21 &  Sept 12-15   Fee: N455,000  Bank Details: Fontini Consulting Limited (ZENITH BANK PLC) Account Number 1013360718 ;Fund Transfer Sort Code 057151083 Discount Policy 3-5 Delegates 5% 6-10 Delegates 10%  Above 10 Delegates  20%


Why Attend

With the increasing focus on entrenching sound corporate governance practices, the role of the company secretary has evolved and transcends the administrative role. The role occupant is expected to provide professional guidance to shareholders, boards, individual directors, management, and other stakeholders, on the governance aspects of strategic decisions. The company secretary is one of the key governance professionals, and a critical link between the board and the organisation.

The board looks to the company secretary for professional advice on not only matters of compliance, but also issues relating to establishing a culture of good governance practices. Thus, company secretaries need to have the requisite skills, experience and emotional intelligence in managing relationships, boardroom dynamics and the range of governance and compliance issues to be addressed, in a manner that ensures these practices are implemented, effectively.

Therefore, company secretaries must continually enhance their competencies to meet the changing dynamics, what corporate governance practices are needed and why, as well as develop the emotional, cognitive and behavioural experiences to succeed in that role to ensuring good business sustainability.

Target Participants

The workshop is designed for Company Secretaries and Legal Advisers of private companies, banks, other financial institutions, companies, NGOs, government functionaries and those who wish to gain a broad perspective and better understanding of their roles in facilitating corporate governance in their organizations. Also, managers of law Firms and business executives involved in the duties associated with the corporate secretarial functions, including maintaining and publishing information to assist corporate secretaries in carrying out their duties other interested parties with an insight into the role of a Company Secretary and its extended responsibilities from compliance with the companies law, the Board and an organization’s corporate governance.


At the end of the course participants should be able to:

  • Adopt Effective Guidelines, Policies and Procedures in Providing Strategic Board Support
  • Demonstrate Proficiency to Facilitate a Result-Driven Quality Board Meeting and Decisions
  • Apply Best Practices in Supporting Board and Stakeholders’ Engagements


  • Review of the Framework of Best Corporate Governance, Trends, Challenges and Developments
  • Evolving Roles of the Company Secretary in Enhancing Best Corporate Governance Practices
  • Managing the Conflicting Roles as Company Secretary and Management Team
  • Preparing and Packaging information for the Board
  • Facilitating Effective Board Meetings
  • Role as Corporate Governance Gate Keeper
  • The Company Secretary as the Board’s Trusted Advisor
  • Key Competencies and Qualities of an Effective Secretary to the Board/Company Secretary
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