Why Attend
The workshop will equip participants with the necessary skill for preparation and analysis of first class annual accounts and financial Reports in both the public and private sector
- The profit and loss account
- Income and expenditure account
- The balance sheet
- Cash flow statement
- Statement of value added
- Accounting policies
- Notes on the accounts
- Chairman’s reports
- Directors report
- Reports of the audit committee.
- Auditors report
- Financial Summary
- Financial Statement interpretation
- Key Ratios and performance indicators
- Symptoms’ of Business failure
- Graphic illustrations (Bar charts, Pie charts, Graphs).
- Approval process of annual accounts and financial statement in both the public and private sectors
- Presentations in annual general meetings
- Emerging trends and challenges.
Directors, Accountants, Auditors and other Management staff who perform related functions in the public and private sectors including Banks, Oil Companies, Trading organizations, Government Ministries, Parastatals, Agencies, Commissions, Local Governments, etc.